Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Media savvy terrorists

Because of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane John Roberts, the mainstream media has not paid much attention to Iraq in the last couple of weeks. Couple that with the relative (very relative) calm that has descended across Iraq over the last month, and the terrorists--excuse me, "insurgents"--that operate there must feel like their most effective ally, the American media has abandoned them.

News from Iraq today has been brutal--a dozen or so car bombs, a mass execution of 17 Shiites, and approximately 150 people killed. My feeling? The terrorists are frustrated that they have been taken off the front pages, and that the Iraq situation is not front and center in the American focus. Like petulent little children that must have the stage at all times, the terrorists are simply striking out so that the mainstream media here in America goes back to its template of Iraq being the world's biggest disaster that is all President Bush's fault. Just wanted to get it on the record...

More to come...

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