Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hard to believe…again

horse and walls

He will post watchmen once more on the crumbled walls…

I’m sitting alone at my kitchen table this morning.  It’s still dark outside, and everyone else in the house is mercifully still sleeping.  I didn’t have to get up early today—no work today for me—but I decided to anyway.  Today is a big day, you see.  Once more, I’m suiting up and getting into the pitched battle that is eastern Europe.  Time for the annual fall trip “over there.”  Because of what has transpired both here and there over the course of this year, I have to be even more cautious than before about identifying where I’m going and who I’m going with.  Those of you who have been such faithful supporters and friends know, though, and  continue to be amazed by the Lord’s grace and your generosity in enabling me to continue in this work.


Please pray for our safe travels today.  One of our team members will take his wife to surgery this morning for a broken elbow…and then scurry to the airport to join the team while his wife is tended to by friends and family.  Another team member has a son with a suspected touch of a mild strain of Swine Flu.  A third team member has never been to eastern Europe and is in for shock, I’m sure.  Then there’s me.  God has protected me and my family in the lead-up to today, but you just know that the enemy would love to see that come crumbling down.  I know, though, the my God is more powerful and will overcome!  The word that has been on my heart over the last week of preparation has been ‘peace.’  I ask for your prayers for peace—for our travels, for our friends that we’re going to see and work with, for the country we’ll be visiting, and especially for my family while I’m away.  This will be Karen’s first time with me away when she is juggling four kids (sometimes literally) and homeschooling.  A normal day is a challenge.  My departure, if only for a few days, won’t make that any easier.


God continues to do great things, and I look forward to sharing with you what He has knitted together this year.  It’s very exciting.  Let’s talk soon!  More to come…

1 comment:

dc said...

Nice horse in the picture, definitely conveys peace.