Friday, June 08, 2007

The right way to go about immigration

James Jay Carafano on Immigration on National Review Online Annotated

Mr. Carafano's article is spot on regarding defeat of the immigration bill and how the issue ought to be handled. Here's the core thought:

Rather than just throwing up its hands, throwing around blame, and throwing out the hope of comprehensive reform, Congress should try an alternative approach: (1) Deny amnesty to people here illegally that will help deter future illegal migration and make the point that we insist everyone respect the rule of law. (2) Enforce workplace laws on the books and gain back control of our southern border. (3) Create more practical and flexible legal opportunities to come and work in the United States. Together these measures offer a real strategy for breaking America’s addiction to undocumented labor.

This is exactly right! Those of us who opposed the immigration bill didn't oppose it on the basis of denying more immigrants the chance at the American dream. We opposed giving them a free pass for their illegal actions upon entering the country in the first place. Following this three-fold approach makes perfect sense. Of course, it doesn't fit the political agenda of those in Washington, so we'll probably never see it done. I don't know about you, but I'm getting real tired of politicians elected to represent--not lead--us in Washington totally ignoring the screams of the American people regarding important issues. Perhaps this bill's defeat is the first hole in the dike holding back some real change in how Congress responds to 'we the people.' More to come...

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