About 15,000 feet above and west of Vienna – Wednesday, November 4, 2009 – 11:31am local time
I’m on my way home. It’s been another wonderful time in eastern Europe with effective ministry and work, and I can’t believe that God has called me to a work so special. What a blessing and privilege.
The day in Vienna dawned cold but dry and clear. After the wetness of yesterday, I was disappointed. By the time we took off from Vienna a short time ago, however, the rain had returned. Not much of a better chance for photography today than yesterday.
A couple of weeks ago, I started feeling an urge from the Holy Spirit that some changes were coming my way. I’m not sure if those will be vocational, educational, or something entirely different. There continues to be upheaval at work, and I’m not convinced the general health of my employer is solid. Perhaps it’s time to make a change there. Then, there’s the educational front. A couple of years ago, while traveling to eastern Europe as a part of our team, a professor told me about a doctoral program in Vienna. The program is research based, would be self-directed, would not require full-time residency in Vienna, and would be fairly brief in comparison to many other programs. I’ve had that in the back of my mind since that time, and I wanted to come to Vienna to pray about these changes I feel are coming. So, yesterday, while walking the streets of the charming city, I spent some time in prayer. Every so often, I would talk to the Lord, just thanking Him for His goodness, praising Him for His greatness, and asking Him for direction about my future and that of my family. It made my time in Vienna special, to be sure.
So, did I hear from Him? Yes and no. No, I did not get a clear answer to my current struggles with my job and immediate direction. That will have to wait, I guess. I did get an answer, though, on something I need to do immediately as I seek His direction. At one point as I was walking, the Lord did speak to me that I need to seek Him more on a daily basis. I’m not to seek His direction right now as much as I am to seek Him right now. To really know Him is the highest and best calling I can have anyway.
I’m now heading home—home to my family, home to my job, home to everything I know and love. If I can also really seek Him and know Him more there, I will be even closer to my true home—His will—than I can ever imagine. Thanks for traveling with me this last week.
More to come…
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