Saturday, October 31, 2009

We are tourists, right?

Minsk, Belarus – Saturday, October 31, 2009 – 10:08am local time

Over all the times I’ve been here in Minsk, one of my favorites things has become the late-night walks.  One of my teammates and I have gotten into a routine of finishing out each day by walking around the city, talking over the day’s events, and just digesting everything together.  I love the camaraderie, I love the exercise, and I love the brisk, cold night air.

MSQ city

Minsk is really an interesting city with an attraction of its own.  It most definitely has that staid, oppressive Soviet feel with blocks and blocks of big, heavy buildings.  Oceans of concrete must have been poured to re-build the city after WWII.  Yet, there is a character.  All cities have a feel and a character of their own, and in Minsk it feels like a struggling teenager—so proud to have its own identity and thoughts, growing up, maturing, while at the same time living under the shadow of its older brother who every once a while steps in to smack it on the head to remind it who’s boss.

MSQ city 2

Last night, about 10:15, we walked along the river and into the city center.  It was about 30 degrees, and the cold air stung our ears and faces.  But, we had a great time of talking about the day, assessing our work, and discussing plans, philosophy, and theology (I know.  You wish you were with us for that part.  Admit it!).  It was a rich time.  These walks I’ve come to treasure as experiences God gives me to learn much.  I learn about myself.  I learn about my teammate.  I learn about the Lord and His plans.  In the midst of our going and our serving, our teaching and our mentoring, God is always teaching us about His Kingdom.  It can be a difficult but so rewarding place to be.


More to come…

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