Kiev, Ukraine – Wednesday, November 5, 2008 – 6:12pm local time
I have a heavy heart today. With the time difference here, we went to bed last night knowing that Americans were voting across the country but not knowing any results. Of course, we knew as well as anyone what the polls were saying and that they are often wrong. However, we also knew what the sense of America was leading into yesterday and that we were called to intercession but with the full knowledge that God might not choose to answer our prayers in the way that we hoped. We awoke this morning and turned on the TV before we even got out of our beds and held our breath as we waited for the results. Though we were fairly certain of the outcome, it still cut deeply to actually see and hear the words President-Elect Barack Obama. My Lord, what have we done in the name of hope and change? Americans have knowingly elected a man who has no regard for the unborn, a man who has little regard for biblical principles in any area, and leaders who scoff at the very founding principles of godly government and a moral people that have invited God’s blessings for so long. There is no doubt that we are in a mess, but Barack Obama isn’t the answer. Joe Biden isn’t the answer. Nor is John McCain the answer. Sarah Palin isn’t the answer. Democrats aren’t the answer. Republicans aren’t the answer. Liberals aren’t the answer. Conservatives aren’t the answer. Jesus Christ and a return to God’s law are the answer. Until America rediscovers the law of God and right moral standing before Him, it will matter not who is in the White House or which party controls Congress. My heart is heavy today for my country and for what it has become, what it has allowed. I tremble at the thought of a Barack Obama presidency, but I also trembled at the thought of a McCain presidency if he didn’t fall on his face before God each and every day. Are we at the point where we can say America is no longer great because it is no longer good?
I think Tuesday was a real I Samuel 8 moment for America. Because self-government and personal responsibility have broken down, the family has crumbled. Because the family has crumbled, many, many churches and their leaders do not effectively operate according to God’s intended model. Because the church has surrendered its rightful role in society, the civil government has become an unwieldy and ungodly monster. Romans 13 tells us that civil government and political leaders are ordained and established by God. Civil government is biblical and has proscribed authority. That authority has limits, however, and we have allowed it to take a role so much greater than God intended. We also now look to it to direct and guide our country. Have we become Israel in I Samuel 8? Israel begged Samuel, “Give us a king… We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations with a king to lead us…” God listens to us and usually gives us what we seek. God, have mercy on us. Save us from ourselves and turn us back to You.
More to come.
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