Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The daily schedule

Here's the daily schedule for our team for the upcoming trip. I post it here for your fun in perusal and for your use in prayer while we're traveling. Of course, everything is subject to change at the last minute...and probably will! Get out your maps...

October 27-28 - travel from Norfolk to Washington to Frankfurt to Minsk

October 28 - In Minsk mid-afternoon; dinner; education seminar

October 29 - In Minsk; education seminar from morning to evening; Concert for Day of Reformation celebration in the evening

October 30 - In Minsk; education seminar from morning to afternoon; afternoon visiting sites important to the religious and cultural history of Belarus

October 31 - In Minsk; meeting with pastors group; evening travel to Bucharest, Romania

November 1 - In Bucharest; tour city and meet with local politicians; meet with pastor of a local gypsy congregation

November 2 - Morning in Bucharest; speak at military academy; afternoon travel to Brasov

November 3 - Morning in Brasov; meeting with apostolic leaders and pastors group, visit BIG Impact Romania site; evening travel to Sibiu to speak at another military academy

November 4 - Morning travel to Sarmisegetuza and Deva; afternoon meeting with local politicians/educational leaders; evening visit to CCIosua Orphanage

November 5 - Morning travel to Timisoara; meeting with local political leaders; evening tour of sites from Romanian Revolution in 1989

November 6 - Morning in Timisoara; speaking at morning services of House of Worship and Agape Church; evening Communion service at Agape Church

November 7 - travel home

The details of the Belarus schedule are purposefully vague due to the political situation there. I'll fill in more as we leave the country. Thanks again for all the support you've shown to me!

More to come...

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