Friday, June 10, 2005

Update on International Reformation work and upcoming trip

Dear friends and family,

As many of you know, I dove headlong into the International Reformation work of Kempsville Presbyterian Church last year. For several years previous to 2004, I had been searching for a way to meld my interests and education in business, economics, and government into an effective international ministry. Through a truly divine appointment, God led me to a brief meeting in early 2004 with Bruce Anderson, an assistant pastor at my church, where I simply sought his direction for a way to find such a ministry. As it turns out, Bruce had been getting deeply involved in the teaching of Biblical worldview and its practical applications for the newly free countries of formerly Communist eastern Europe since 2001. He quickly invited me to join a team for a short-term trip to Lithuania and Belarus later that Spring. Thanks to your prayers and financial support, I found myself on a plane heading eastward only two short months later! It was on that trip that God really confirmed to me that this was the ministry for which He had beenpreparing me.

After that trip, I tried to give you a glimpse of what I had experienced via several update emails. That correspondence finished about a year ago now, and as I prepare for another trip this year, I wanted to make you aware of what God has been doing in my life regarding this ministry and what yourprayers have affected since last year.

As many of you who have gone on missions trips know well, going to the field does not quench the fire that had been compelling you to go in the first place. It simply fans the embers and leaves you wanting more! So it has been the same for me. When I came back from Europe last year, I had a growing desire to learn all I could about an encompassing Biblical worldview and how that touched every aspect of life and public policy. My bent has always been finance and economics, and God gave me an opportunity to improve my teaching abilities last Summer when I helped to teach a 13-week Sunday School class on Biblical economics. That led me to the beginning of the development of my own curriculum that I can carry on future trips to teach. The project continues, and I would appreciate your prayers for insights as Iflesh it out and revise it as necessary.

In the beginning of this year, I was invited to go on another trip, this time to Romania and Belarus in October to teach these life-changing principles that have become so real to me in the last year. Pastor Bruce Anderson also asked me to consider becoming the International Reformation Coordinator at church, working alongside him in a volunteer capacity to help get our arms around what has become a major focus of our church. After some prayer and consultation with Karen, I accepted the position and am having a ball getting even more deeply involved in the fields I so enjoy. God is sogood!

It has truly been your prayers and support that have enabled much of what has transpired in the last year. As I began raising financial support this year for another trip overseas, so many of you quickly contributed. I am humbled at your support and so very thankful for all of you. At this point, I have been able to raise about 75% of what I need for the trip to Romania in October. Praise God! I greatly covet your prayers over the next four months as preparation for the trip continues. Big changes are in store for my family in the next month as we anticipate the birth of Andrew Christian Walter (!), and things will surely become more interesting as I seek to balance my family, my work, and my ministry. Please pray for balance and discernment to know when I need to place boundaries in certain areas in order to protect the most important thing--my family.

As October draws closer, I plan to update you occasionally on the latest. I consider you my "support team" and want to make sure you know what God continues to do in my life because of you. If you have any questions or want to know more about what is happening in the areas of Biblical worldview, International Reformation work, or anything else, please let meknow.

Thank you so much for all that you've done. More to come...

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