Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Belarus and Romania Update #6

Tomorrow is the day we depart.  Visas are in hand, bags are almost packed, and just a few loose ends to tie up.  I wanted to thank you all again for your support, both in prayer and financially.  I will leave tomorrow 95% funded, and that is huge!  God is so good, and I appreciate so very much all that you have done to make this year’s trip a possibility.  Just a few quick things today:


  • The weather forecast for our entire time in Minsk is mid- to high-30s with snow possible on several days.  Lows in the 20s overnight.  Yikes!
  • Going forward, I might just post updates to http://scottsreformation.blogspot.com rather than emailing to each of you individually.  It depends on our setup and Internet access.
  • Thousands of people crowded the streets of Minsk to protest the current government and to demand freedom last weekend.  The police were out in force to break things up.  It will be interesting to hear some of the firsthand accounts.  Check out http://www.charter97.org for more info.


Some prayer requests as I depart:


  • Please pray for peace and protection for my family
  • We are having a little trouble rounding up the audio-video equipment we need to carry with us still.  Please pray that we can get what we need.
  • Safety on our long travel day tomorrow and the ability to rest on the planes as we’ll hit the ground running when we land.
  • Please pray for servant’s hearts, Godly wisdom to impart, discernment for every situation, and divine appointments.


Thanks again for all you do and your interest.  I couldn’t go without you behind me!  More to come…



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